
Having a healthy relationship with the trinue God


Having a healthy mind and body


Having healthy relationships with family and friends


Having a healthy relationship with money

Helping men build a well thought out and stable life on the foundation of Jesus Christ.


Matthew 7:24 & 25

Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Our Transition Homes

For men coming out of prison and homelessness is a safe place to grow into a more excellent version of themselves.

Spirit, Soul and Body

The whole person matters. Every part of what makes us human needs to be addressed.

Our spirit gives us God awareness.

Our soul give us self-consciousness.

Our body gives us world responsiveness.

About Us

Mission Statement

To be inspired by King Jesus for the building of His kingdom. We will come alongside the vulnerable to encourage, equip and elevate lives.


Who we are

We are witnesses to how The Holy Spirit can drastically transform a person and completely change a life.

We are Christ committed disciples dedicated to developing other faithful disciples.


What we do

We do heavy mentorship based on our Four Pillars of Faith, Fitness, Family, and Finances.

We do one on one and group coaching in life, family, service, and career skills.




  • Christian biblical discipleship
  • Personal and family therapy
  • Resume and job search assistance